Friday, April 17, 2009

Susan Boyle--Dreams Come True

If you haven't seen the video of Britain's Got Talent, you need to view it. Here is the link:

So many of us have had dreams that have not come to fruition. This video should give you hope. Dreams do come true if you keep following them, practicing, and not giving up. How close have we been to that dream only to give up just before the doors would have been opened. Susan shows us to keep dreaming and driving and not to judge others.

In this Easter season, everyting is new again and nothing is too dfficult for God. God gives us the dreams, others steal it away.

So, dust off the negatives and show them who's boss!!! Live Big

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Starting New: Can you Make a Change?

I hope all of you had a Blessed Easter and are ready to start new. Easter is Christian Holiday recognizing the start of something new. We were saved from our sins because Jesus died for us. What an awesome unselfish thing.

So, in this season of starting new--Spring: the new flowers start to bloom and come back to life, the grass starts to turn green, the trees start to bloom and so should we.

If you haven't quite kept up with your New Year's Resolustions, now is a time to re-evaluate and start new.

Is Fear holding you back? What is it that you are really afraid of? For me, honestly it is picking up the phone and feeling rejected. I don't like that feeling but really, are they rejecting me or just the fact that I have something they could use but they just don't know it yet.

Is your weight holding you back? Why is it holding you back?

Is it your attitude about something?

There are so many things that hold us back to having an awesome life. If Jesus died for us, what are we doing for him? If we are living in fear we are not honoring him. Take care and talk to all of you soon.

Start New & Live BIG!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm back--uggghhh

Sorry about the lapse in time. Things got a little crazy around here and you know how it goes if you're a mom. Even if you don't have children, things happen to really throw us off course now and then.

Anyway, I've got to get back to our tips but wanted to throw something else out there for all of you. I wanted to share something that we did as a family last night.

During the day our children built a blanket fort using our couch, bar stools, rocking chair and blankets. Daddy helped put some of it together but it was one heck of a fort. Big enough to allow all 5 of us to fit in and daddy even let them use one of our battery operated lanterns to have some light. The kids asked if we could go into the fort with them after supper time and I felt that I really had not played much at all so I said, "yes."

I was so glad I did. We had such a nice time and the kids were so proud. We read 3 books to the kids as they had each picked one out. We were in there for probably a half hour. To see the looks on their faces reminded me of how important it is to take some time off the computer and share it with the kids.

The cost was nothing but the moment was priceless.